Flan De Leche

Flan De Leche

  • Sugar 350 gm
  • Egg 12
  • Vanilla essence 1 tsp
  • Milk 1 liter
  • Put half the sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then simmer, stirring continuously, until it turns to a rich caramel. Pour the caramel into a large ring tin or a cake pan. Tip the tin to coat the sides in caramel and leave it to set.In a bowl beat the eggs with remaining sugar, beat lightly, add the vanilla essence with milk to egg mixture and mix well.
  • Pour it into the tin on top of caramel. Place the tin into a baking dish, pour the boiling water to baking dish to come two-thirds of the way up the tin. Put it into a preheated oven on 230 degrees. Immediately reduce the oven temperature to 200 degrees, as the flan starts cooking gradually reduce the temperature to 160degrees. 
  • Cook flan for 45 – 60 minute until golden brown from top. Now remove flan from oven, allow to cool, then refrigerate overnight to firm up. Lastly remove from ring or baking tin and serve chilled


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